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Stage di Tecnica della Corsa, 2014 ed.

Stage di Tecnica della Corsa - Torino, Italy. 2014 edition.

Note: "Stage di Tecnica della Corsa" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

Stage di Tecnica della Corsa, map centered on Torino

Stage di Tecnica della Corsa
Image from wikipedia.org by Ilmari Karonen

Information about Stage di Tecnica della Corsa, 2014 ed.

Running event name: Stage di Tecnica della Corsa

Date and Time: Saturday, October 25, 2014 - 13:00

City: Torino

Address: Parco del Valentino

c/o: Km 0 - Passerella sul Po Turin Marathon, c.so Unità d'Italia 70 o c.so Moncalieri 400

Region: Piemonte - Province: Torino - County: Torino

Country: Italy

Latitude and longitude: 45.025463 7.673347

About the event:
Come migliorare la postura e i movimenti nella corsa a piedi di fondo. Lo stage consentirà ai partecipanti di acquisire le tecniche specifiche di corsa per ottenere sensibili miglioramenti nel rendimento del gesto atletico, prevenire fastidiosi infortuni e incrementare la velocità di gara a parità di dispendio energetico.

How to improve posture and motion of the long distance run. The stage will allow to participants to acquire specifical running techniques in order to obtain appreciable improvements in the athletical performances, to avoid bothering injuries and to increase racing speed at equal energy expenditure.

Other notes:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? No

Cross country event? No

Multi-stage event? Yes, 4 stages for a total of 12 km (=7.458 mi)

Initiatives for children and families: No information

How to apply and entry fee:
€ 39,00. Iscrizioni a mezzo e-mail trasmettendo la contabile del pagamento bancario su c/c IBAN IT75I0326801007052659702420 intestato a Orla Piergiorgio

Entry fee € 39,00. To register, just send an e-mail with bank receipt of transfer on account IBAN IT75I0326801007052659702420 SWIFT CODE SELBIT2BXXX

Award Description:

Dressing rooms:

Aid stations:


E-mail: triatorino4ever@gmail.com





Flier: Click here

Final ranking: Not available

Stage di Tecnica della Corsa course map, 2014 ed.

# Length Race type Course map and gpx file Terrain type
Stage 1 3 km
(1.9 mi)
Non-competitive race Not available Asphalt
Stage 2 3 km
(1.9 mi)
Non-competitive race Not available Asphalt
Stage 3 3 km
(1.9 mi)
Non-competitive race Not available Asphalt
Stage 4 3 km
(1.9 mi)
Non-competitive race Not available Asphalt

Torino weather forecast

To see the weather forecast of the Piemonte region by firenzemeteo.it click on the link or on any of the following maps.

For Torino weather forecast click on the link.

Other nearby races

Events on the same day at a distance of less than 50 km (31 from Torino as the crow flies are reported here.

No running race found within 50 km.

Message for running race organizers

Are you part of the organizing committee of the running event named Stage di Tecnica della Corsa and would you like to be the one to manage the information, adding more details?
Register (if you have not already done) and log-in to see here the link to forward the request to Go&Race administrators.
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