flag of France

100 km de Steenwerck 2014

100 km de Steenwerck 2014 - Steenwerck, France

Note: "100 km de Steenwerck 2014" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

100 km de Steenwerck 2014, map centered on Steenwerck

100 km de Steenwerck 2014

Information about 100 km de Steenwerck 2014

Running event name: 100 km de Steenwerck 2014

Date and Time: Wednesday, May 28, 2014

City: Steenwerck



Country: France

Latitude and longitude: 50.700116 2.777189

About the event:
Les 100 km à pied de Steenwerck, c'est une aventure qui dure maintenant depuis plus de 30 ans. La première édition a eu lieu en 1976. Depuis, tous les ans à l'ascension, plus de mille personnes se relancent dans cette aventure où tout le monde a sa place, du néophyte au coureur le plus expérimenté. Chacun sa course, chacun son rythme. Personne n'a jamais regretté sa participation, que ce soit en tant que coureur ou en tant que bénévole. Alors qu'attendez-vous ?

Other notes:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? No

Cross country event? No

Multi-stage event? No

Initiatives for children and families: No information

How to apply and entry fee:

Award Description:

Dressing rooms:

Aid stations:

Website: 100kmsteenwerck.fr/






Flier: Not available

Final ranking: Not available

100 km de Steenwerck 2014 course map

# Length Race type Course map and gpx file Terrain type
Race 1 100 km
(62.2 mi)
Ultramarathon Not available Not available

Steenwerck weather forecast

Other nearby races

Events on the same day at a distance of less than 50 km (31 from Steenwerck as the crow flies are reported here.

No running race found within 50 km.

Message for running race organizers

Are you part of the organizing committee of the running event named 100 km de Steenwerck 2014 and would you like to be the one to manage the information, adding more details?
Register (if you have not already done) and log-in to see here the link to forward the request to Go&Race administrators.
Registration on Go&Race and event management are completely free. There are no paid services on Go&Race.