
4° Ultratrail della Lenticchia, 2024 course map and altimetry

4° Ultratrail della Lenticchia: 2024 route, altimetry, gpx

Note: "4° Ultratrail della Lenticchia" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

4° Ultratrail della Lenticchia course map. Lenght: 43 km (26.7 mi).

On this page is shown the 43 km (26.7 mi) course map of the event "4° Ultratrail della Lenticchia" in Campi, in the Province of Perugia (Sunday, May 12, 2024). Explore the route!

Do you want to fly over the path with a Google Earth 3D video? Click on the following link: 4° Ultratrail della Lenticchia, fly over the path (3D video).

Download the gps race path by clicking here. You can send the .gpx file to your Garmin watch or other compatible device and follow the path. For instructions on how to upload the GPX file onto your Garmin watch click here.
NB: it is possible that the length calculated from the gpx file is greater than that of the race, with an error typically of 1-2%, so for example a half-marathon could be 2-300 meters longer.

Click the following link to visit the 4° Ultratrail della Lenticchia event page.

Path statistics

4° Ultratrail della Lenticchia, interactive route

Here you can set the km (or mile) markers. You can start an animation by clicking on the button 'Animate'. On the map you can select different types of layers (by Google or Openstreetmap).

Click to start animation along the route


Note 1: the path length, here calculated using Google Map, may be different from that declared by the race organizers. Accept as true the latter.
Note 2: the elevation and slope are estimated again using Google and may differ from the real ones. Pay attention to any paths with tunnels or viaducts, because the altitude calculated by Google is not that of the road, but rather the land!
Note 3: the slope is found by calculating the change in altitude of at least 150 m (492 ft) long sections. Level roads: slopes between -3% and +3%. Uphill roads: slopes between +3% and +7%. Steep hill upwards: slopes greater than +7%. Similar classification for descents.

Km by km route altimetry analysis

Lap Start Alt. End Alt. Diff. Alt. Aver. Slope Min Alt. Max Alt. Tot Climb Tot Descent
KM 0-1 719 761 +42 +4.2% 712 760 49 7
KM 1-2 761 786 +25 +2.5% 762 799 36 11
KM 2-3 786 832 +46 +4.6% 774 837 57 11
KM 3-4 832 903 +71 +7.1% 838 901 71 0
KM 4-5 903 848 -55 -5.5% 818 909 28 83
KM 5-6 848 948 +100 +10.0% 849 958 104 4
KM 6-7 948 1018 +70 +7.0% 940 1018 75 5
KM 7-8 1018 949 -69 -6.9% 955 1030 10 79
KM 8-9 949 829 -120 -12.0% 833 945 0 120
KM 9-10 829 937 +108 +10.8% 815 936 115 7
KM 10-11 937 1136 +199 +19.9% 942 1138 201 2
KM 11-12 1136 1311 +176 +17.6% 1162 1309 176 0
KM 12-13 1311 1462 +151 +15.1% 1319 1462 151 0
KM 13-14 1462 1560 +98 +9.8% 1461 1557 98 0
KM 14-15 1560 1717 +157 +15.7% 1551 1717 157 0
KM 15-16 1717 1739 +21 +2.1% 1720 1738 22 1
KM 16-17 1739 1709 -30 -3.0% 1708 1748 8 38
KM 17-18 1709 1624 -85 -8.5% 1631 1712 0 85
KM 18-19 1624 1575 -49 -4.9% 1575 1624 0 49
KM 19-20 1575 1521 -53 -5.3% 1521 1573 0 53
KM 20-21 1521 1417 -104 -10.4% 1416 1520 0 104
KM 21-22 1417 1402 -15 -1.5% 1395 1423 16 31
KM 22-23 1402 1365 -38 -3.8% 1364 1403 1 38
KM 23-24 1365 1433 +69 +6.9% 1367 1425 69 0
KM 24-25 1433 1571 +137 +13.7% 1434 1570 137 0
KM 25-26 1571 1712 +141 +14.1% 1572 1711 141 0
KM 26-27 1712 1792 +80 +8.0% 1715 1782 82 2
KM 27-28 1792 1739 -53 -5.3% 1740 1823 20 73
KM 28-29 1739 1704 -35 -3.5% 1713 1741 24 59
KM 29-30 1704 1650 -54 -5.4% 1651 1702 8 62
KM 30-31 1650 1627 -23 -2.3% 1631 1649 3 26
KM 31-32 1627 1552 -75 -7.5% 1547 1632 7 82
KM 32-33 1552 1427 -126 -12.6% 1444 1562 8 133
KM 33-34 1427 1421 -6 -0.6% 1412 1431 18 24
KM 34-35 1421 1289 -132 -13.2% 1295 1414 0 132
KM 35-36 1289 1145 -144 -14.4% 1161 1288 0 144
KM 36-37 1145 1085 -60 -6.0% 1083 1144 0 60
KM 37-38 1085 1078 -7 -0.7% 1060 1085 16 23
KM 38-39 1078 1154 +76 +7.6% 1081 1155 76 0
KM 39-40 1154 1132 -22 -2.2% 1135 1199 41 63
KM 40-41 1132 963 -169 -16.9% 968 1129 0 169
KM 41-42 963 749 -214 -21.4% 752 957 0 214
KM 42-42.98 749 717 -32 -3.2% 717 762 188 336