Marathon pace chart calculator

Get your personal marathon pace chart, with km (or miles) lap times

Enter your time and create the marathon pace chart

Create your marathon pace chart

Do you have to run a marathon and want to calculate your average pace and speed?
Use our calculator and also get lap times at 5, 10, 15, 20, 21.1, 25, 30, 35 e 40 km.
For example, if you want to finish the marathon in 4 hours, your running pace should be 5'41"/km. You should complete complete 10 km in 56'53" or 30 km in 2h50'38".
If you prefer, you can choose to have lap times in miles. With the same example of a 4 hour marathon, the average pace is 9'09"/mi and you will have to complete 10 miles in 1h31'31", or 20 miles in 3h03'02".

Table creation

Marathon pace chart calculator: select the unit and insert the marathon time to get your pace (in min/km and min/mi) and your speed (in km/h and mph) and to get your personal marathon pace chart.
A table will show the travel times at different distances keeping the same pace.

TABLE NOTE - HM: half-marathon (21.0975 km or 13.112 mi). M: marathon (42.195 km or 26.224 mi).

Distance Unit Time [hh:mm:ss]

Other useful calculation tools for runners you can find on Go&Race

Calculate your average pace and your speed by entering the distance and time and generate the pace chart.
Generate the specific pace chart for the half-marathon or for the marathon.
Predict your next race times based on a recent performance. How long could you finish a 10K, or a half-marathon, or a marathon?
Train with Go&Race by following the training plan for a marathon, or for a half-marathon, or a 10 km, or to start running.