
8° SciaccheTrail, 2024 course map and altimetry

8° SciaccheTrail: 2024 route, altimetry, gpx

Note: "8° SciaccheTrail" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

8° SciaccheTrail course map. Lenght: 100 km (62.2 mi).

On this page is shown the 100 km (62.2 mi) course map of the event "8° SciaccheTrail" in Riomaggiore, in the Province of La Spezia (Saturday, March 23, 2024). Explore the route!

Do you want to fly over the path with a Google Earth 3D video? Click on the following link: 8° SciaccheTrail, fly over the path (3D video).

Download the gps race path by clicking here. You can send the .gpx file to your Garmin watch or other compatible device and follow the path. For instructions on how to upload the GPX file onto your Garmin watch click here.
NB: it is possible that the length calculated from the gpx file is greater than that of the race, with an error typically of 1-2%, so for example a half-marathon could be 2-300 meters longer.

Click the following link to visit the 8° SciaccheTrail event page.

Path statistics

8° SciaccheTrail, interactive route

Here you can set the km (or mile) markers. You can start an animation by clicking on the button 'Animate'. On the map you can select different types of layers (by Google or Openstreetmap).

Click to start animation along the route


Note 1: the path length, here calculated using Google Map, may be different from that declared by the race organizers. Accept as true the latter.
Note 2: the elevation and slope are estimated again using Google and may differ from the real ones. Pay attention to any paths with tunnels or viaducts, because the altitude calculated by Google is not that of the road, but rather the land!
Note 3: the slope is found by calculating the change in altitude of at least 150 m (492 ft) long sections. Level roads: slopes between -3% and +3%. Uphill roads: slopes between +3% and +7%. Steep hill upwards: slopes greater than +7%. Similar classification for descents.

Km by km route altimetry analysis

Lap Start Alt. End Alt. Diff. Alt. Aver. Slope Min Alt. Max Alt. Tot Climb Tot Descent
KM 0.0193-1 60 309 +249 +24.9% 60 307 249 0
KM 1-2 309 418 +109 +10.9% 311 417 114 5
KM 2-3 418 411 -8 -0.8% 401 428 18 25
KM 3-4 411 426 +16 +1.6% 411 448 40 24
KM 4-5 426 388 -38 -3.8% 385 434 9 47
KM 5-6 388 343 -45 -4.5% 343 393 4 49
KM 6-7 343 346 +3 +0.3% 325 351 26 23
KM 7-8 346 350 +5 +0.5% 341 398 50 46
KM 8-9 350 217 -133 -13.3% 219 349 0 133
KM 9-10 217 110 -107 -10.7% 93 200 17 124
KM 10-11 110 150 +40 +4.0% 111 164 52 12
KM 11-12 150 118 -32 -3.2% 134 165 15 47
KM 12-13 118 27 -91 -9.1% 24 116 1 92
KM 13-14 27 122 +95 +9.5% 28 137 107 12
KM 14-15 122 155 +32 +3.2% 113 176 56 24
KM 15-16 155 40 -114 -11.4% 43 154 0 114
KM 16-17 40 6 -34 -3.4% 6 39 0 34
KM 17-18 6 65 +59 +5.9% 5 62 60 1
KM 18-19 65 281 +216 +21.6% 71 280 216 0
KM 19-20 281 251 -30 -3.0% 251 297 16 46
KM 20-21 251 240 -11 -1.1% 212 245 28 39
KM 21-22 240 170 -70 -7.0% 158 251 15 85
KM 22-23 170 120 -49 -4.9% 126 183 11 61
KM 23-24 120 5 -115 -11.5% 5 116 0 115
KM 24-25 5 56 +51 +5.1% 5 55 51 0
KM 25-26 56 177 +121 +12.1% 57 177 121 0
KM 26-27 177 356 +179 +17.9% 177 351 179 0
KM 27-28 356 505 +149 +14.9% 357 509 152 3
KM 28-29 505 426 -79 -7.9% 426 502 0 79
KM 29-30 426 315 -111 -11.1% 315 425 0 111
KM 30-31 315 249 -66 -6.6% 251 314 0 66
KM 31-32 249 111 -137 -13.7% 114 247 0 137
KM 32-33 111 5 -106 -10.6% 6 111 0 106
KM 33-34 5 39 +34 +3.4% 5 39 34 0
KM 34-35 39 180 +141 +14.1% 46 180 141 0
KM 35-36 180 361 +181 +18.1% 182 358 181 0
KM 36-37 361 362 +2 +0.2% 365 431 69 68
KM 37-38 362 332 -31 -3.1% 325 361 12 42
KM 38-39 332 537 +206 +20.6% 332 533 206 0
KM 39-40 537 571 +34 +3.4% 538 577 41 7
KM 40-41 571 597 +26 +2.6% 559 595 36 10
KM 41-42 597 635 +38 +3.8% 598 645 48 10
KM 42-43 635 559 -76 -7.6% 559 635 0 76
KM 43-44 559 531 -28 -2.8% 531 559 0 28
KM 44-45 531 403 -128 -12.8% 405 531 0 128
KM 45-46 403 227 -176 -17.6% 227 401 0 176
KM 46-47 227 184 -43 -4.3% 177 225 7 50
KM 47-48 184 309 +125 +12.5% 184 309 125 0
KM 48-49 309 503 +194 +19.4% 310 499 194 0
KM 49-50 503 641 +138 +13.8% 503 634 138 0
KM 50-51 641 728 +87 +8.7% 644 728 87 0
KM 51-52 728 762 +34 +3.4% 728 763 35 1
KM 52-53 762 723 -39 -3.9% 728 762 0 39
KM 53-54 723 609 -114 -11.4% 609 723 0 114
KM 54-55 609 636 +27 +2.7% 609 630 27 0
KM 55-56 636 735 +99 +9.9% 639 746 108 9
KM 56-57 735 703 -32 -3.2% 703 734 0 32
KM 57-58 703 639 -64 -6.4% 641 703 0 64
KM 58-59 639 600 -38 -3.8% 602 637 4 42
KM 59-60 600 554 -46 -4.6% 555 598 0 46
KM 60-61 554 559 +5 +0.5% 547 565 15 10
KM 61-62 559 447 -111 -11.1% 450 558 0 111
KM 62-63 447 379 -68 -6.8% 380 446 0 68
KM 63-64 379 406 +27 +2.7% 325 405 81 54
KM 64-65 406 533 +127 +12.7% 410 533 127 0
KM 65-66 533 476 -57 -5.7% 482 548 15 72
KM 66-67 476 328 -148 -14.8% 331 474 0 148
KM 67-68 328 290 -38 -3.8% 269 327 18 56
KM 68-69 290 205 -84 -8.4% 206 289 0 84
KM 69-70 205 170 -36 -3.6% 152 201 18 53
KM 70-71 170 241 +71 +7.1% 173 239 71 0
KM 71-72 241 349 +108 +10.8% 242 349 108 0
KM 72-73 349 345 -4 -0.4% 346 361 18 22
KM 73-74 345 366 +21 +2.1% 328 365 36 15
KM 74-75 366 391 +24 +2.4% 367 393 27 2
KM 75-76 391 319 -71 -7.1% 318 388 0 72
KM 76-77 319 384 +65 +6.5% 320 383 68 3
KM 77-78 384 500 +116 +11.6% 385 496 116 0
KM 78-79 500 576 +76 +7.6% 502 580 78 2
KM 79-80 576 427 -149 -14.9% 427 576 0 149
KM 80-81 427 345 -82 -8.2% 346 426 0 82
KM 81-82 345 450 +106 +10.6% 324 446 126 21
KM 82-83 450 516 +66 +6.6% 451 520 69 3
KM 83-84 516 446 -71 -7.1% 448 516 0 71
KM 84-85 446 364 -82 -8.2% 364 444 0 82
KM 85-86 364 349 -15 -1.5% 326 362 22 37
KM 86-87 349 215 -134 -13.4% 216 349 0 134
KM 87-88 215 57 -158 -15.8% 58 207 0 158
KM 88-89 57 160 +103 +10.3% 44 153 116 13
KM 89-90 160 271 +111 +11.1% 164 279 116 5
KM 90-91 271 198 -73 -7.3% 200 270 0 73
KM 91-92 198 100 -98 -9.8% 104 196 0 98
KM 92-93 100 256 +156 +15.6% 70 253 185 29
KM 93-94 256 352 +96 +9.6% 257 354 98 2
KM 94-95 352 366 +14 +1.4% 341 400 56 42
KM 95-96 366 258 -108 -10.8% 277 362 0 108
KM 96-97 258 108 -151 -15.1% 93 255 12 162
KM 97-98 108 154 +46 +4.6% 108 165 56 10
KM 98-99 154 140 -13 -1.3% 141 167 17 30
KM 99-100 140 24 -116 -11.6% 24 133 0 116
KM 100-101 24 133 +109 +10.9% 25 136 111 2
KM 101-102 133 166 +34 +3.4% 115 175 60 26
KM 102-103 166 60 -106 -10.6% 64 166 0 106
KM 103-103.51 60 18 -42 -4.2% 18 60 0 889