
8° SciaccheTrail, 2024 course map and altimetry

8° SciaccheTrail: 2024 route, altimetry, gpx

Note: "8° SciaccheTrail" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

8° SciaccheTrail course map. Lenght: 47 km (29.2 mi).

On this page is shown the 47 km (29.2 mi) course map of the event "8° SciaccheTrail" in Riomaggiore, in the Province of La Spezia (Saturday, March 23, 2024). Explore the route!

Do you want to fly over the path with a Google Earth 3D video? Click on the following link: 8° SciaccheTrail, fly over the path (3D video).

Download the gps race path by clicking here. You can send the .gpx file to your Garmin watch or other compatible device and follow the path. For instructions on how to upload the GPX file onto your Garmin watch click here.
NB: it is possible that the length calculated from the gpx file is greater than that of the race, with an error typically of 1-2%, so for example a half-marathon could be 2-300 meters longer.

Click the following link to visit the 8° SciaccheTrail event page.

Path statistics

8° SciaccheTrail, interactive route

Here you can set the km (or mile) markers. You can start an animation by clicking on the button 'Animate'. On the map you can select different types of layers (by Google or Openstreetmap).

Click to start animation along the route


Note 1: the path length, here calculated using Google Map, may be different from that declared by the race organizers. Accept as true the latter.
Note 2: the elevation and slope are estimated again using Google and may differ from the real ones. Pay attention to any paths with tunnels or viaducts, because the altitude calculated by Google is not that of the road, but rather the land!
Note 3: the slope is found by calculating the change in altitude of at least 150 m (492 ft) long sections. Level roads: slopes between -3% and +3%. Uphill roads: slopes between +3% and +7%. Steep hill upwards: slopes greater than +7%. Similar classification for descents.

Km by km route altimetry analysis

Lap Start Alt. End Alt. Diff. Alt. Aver. Slope Min Alt. Max Alt. Tot Climb Tot Descent
KM 0.0059-1 7 14 +7 +0.7% 5 13 10 3
KM 1-2 14 160 +146 +14.6% 14 156 146 0
KM 2-3 160 324 +165 +16.5% 160 324 165 0
KM 3-4 324 355 +31 +3.1% 322 355 35 4
KM 4-5 355 416 +61 +6.1% 348 416 65 4
KM 5-6 416 357 -59 -5.9% 352 420 5 64
KM 6-7 357 382 +25 +2.5% 324 381 58 33
KM 7-8 382 583 +201 +20.1% 384 582 201 0
KM 8-9 583 588 +5 +0.5% 583 599 15 10
KM 9-10 588 522 -66 -6.6% 522 584 0 66
KM 10-11 522 439 -83 -8.3% 453 521 4 87
KM 11-12 439 360 -79 -7.9% 362 433 7 86
KM 12-13 360 420 +60 +6.0% 350 415 69 9
KM 13-14 420 516 +96 +9.6% 420 514 96 0
KM 14-15 516 658 +142 +14.2% 517 657 142 0
KM 15-16 658 728 +70 +7.0% 661 731 72 2
KM 16-17 728 763 +35 +3.5% 727 763 35 0
KM 17-18 763 735 -28 -2.8% 736 763 0 28
KM 18-19 735 615 -121 -12.1% 615 735 0 121
KM 19-20 615 627 +12 +1.2% 609 627 18 6
KM 20-21 627 743 +116 +11.6% 627 746 117 1
KM 21-22 743 705 -38 -3.8% 705 742 0 38
KM 22-23 705 657 -48 -4.8% 658 704 0 48
KM 23-24 657 641 -15 -1.5% 629 648 10 26
KM 24-25 641 632 -9 -0.9% 630 650 9 18
KM 25-26 632 525 -107 -10.7% 527 636 4 111
KM 26-27 525 383 -142 -14.2% 384 523 0 142
KM 27-28 383 333 -50 -5.0% 333 383 0 50
KM 28-29 333 322 -11 -1.1% 324 349 20 31
KM 29-30 322 137 -185 -18.5% 140 320 0 185
KM 30-31 137 56 -81 -8.1% 43 136 10 91
KM 31-32 56 237 +181 +18.1% 56 236 181 0
KM 32-33 237 253 +16 +1.6% 244 280 44 28
KM 33-34 253 164 -89 -8.9% 165 258 4 93
KM 34-35 164 74 -90 -9.0% 75 163 0 90
KM 35-36 74 297 +224 +22.4% 69 295 224 0
KM 36-37 297 347 +49 +4.9% 298 354 55 6
KM 37-38 347 341 -5 -0.5% 343 401 52 58
KM 38-39 341 181 -160 -16.0% 200 341 0 160
KM 39-40 181 115 -66 -6.6% 92 181 21 87
KM 40-41 115 150 +35 +3.5% 115 165 48 13
KM 41-42 150 99 -51 -5.1% 99 166 16 67
KM 42-43 99 35 -64 -6.4% 24 94 9 73
KM 43-44 35 117 +82 +8.2% 35 137 99 17
KM 44-45 117 142 +25 +2.5% 118 175 57 32
KM 45-46 142 27 -115 -11.5% 28 141 0 115
KM 46-46.36 27 19 -8 -0.8% 19 27 0 106