
Bryce Canyon Ultras, 2024 course map and altimetry

Bryce Canyon Ultras: 2024 route, altimetry, gpx

Note: "Bryce Canyon Ultras" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

Bryce Canyon Ultras course map. Lenght: 160.9 km (100 mi).

On this page is shown the 160.9 km (100 mi) course map of the event "Bryce Canyon Ultras" in Hatch, Utah (Sunday, May 19, 2024). Explore the route!

Do you want to fly over the path with a Google Earth 3D video? Click on the following link: Bryce Canyon Ultras, fly over the path (3D video).

Download the gps race path by clicking here. You can send the .gpx file to your Garmin watch or other compatible device and follow the path. For instructions on how to upload the GPX file onto your Garmin watch click here.
NB: it is possible that the length calculated from the gpx file is greater than that of the race, with an error typically of 1-2%, so for example a half-marathon could be 2-300 meters longer.

Click the following link to visit the Bryce Canyon Ultras event page.

Path statistics

Bryce Canyon Ultras, interactive route

Here you can set the km (or mile) markers. You can start an animation by clicking on the button 'Animate'. On the map you can select different types of layers (by Google or Openstreetmap).

Click to start animation along the route


Note 1: the path length, here calculated using Google Map, may be different from that declared by the race organizers. Accept as true the latter.
Note 2: the elevation and slope are estimated again using Google and may differ from the real ones. Pay attention to any paths with tunnels or viaducts, because the altitude calculated by Google is not that of the road, but rather the land!
Note 3: the slope is found by calculating the change in altitude of at least 150 m (492 ft) long sections. Level roads: slopes between -3% and +3%. Uphill roads: slopes between +3% and +7%. Steep hill upwards: slopes greater than +7%. Similar classification for descents.

Km by km route altimetry analysis

Lap Start Alt. End Alt. Diff. Alt. Aver. Slope Min Alt. Max Alt. Tot Climb Tot Descent
KM 0-1 2191 2221 +30 +3.0% 2191 2221 30 0
KM 1-2 2221 2257 +36 +3.6% 2221 2253 38 2
KM 2-3 2257 2311 +54 +5.4% 2265 2310 54 0
KM 3-4 2311 2349 +38 +3.8% 2312 2348 38 0
KM 4-5 2349 2395 +46 +4.6% 2347 2394 46 0
KM 5-6 2395 2472 +77 +7.7% 2400 2472 77 0
KM 6-7 2472 2613 +141 +14.1% 2472 2616 142 1
KM 7-8 2613 2569 -44 -4.4% 2569 2609 0 44
KM 8-9 2569 2534 -35 -3.5% 2534 2567 0 35
KM 9-10 2534 2502 -32 -3.2% 2508 2534 0 32
KM 10-11 2502 2474 -28 -2.8% 2474 2502 0 28
KM 11-12 2474 2446 -29 -2.9% 2446 2473 0 29
KM 12-13 2446 2424 -21 -2.1% 2426 2445 2 23
KM 13-14 2424 2413 -11 -1.1% 2413 2423 0 11
KM 14-15 2413 2398 -15 -1.5% 2399 2413 0 15
KM 15-16 2398 2381 -17 -1.7% 2381 2394 0 17
KM 16-17 2381 2367 -14 -1.4% 2367 2374 1 15
KM 17-18 2367 2362 -5 -0.5% 2359 2369 7 12
KM 18-19 2362 2362 0 0% 2357 2364 6 6
KM 19-20 2362 2374 +13 +1.3% 2363 2374 16 3
KM 20-21 2374 2361 -13 -1.3% 2360 2382 9 22
KM 21-22 2361 2366 +5 +0.5% 2361 2373 12 7
KM 22-23 2366 2368 +2 +0.2% 2360 2366 8 6
KM 23-24 2368 2374 +5 +0.5% 2372 2374 7 2
KM 24-25 2374 2378 +4 +0.4% 2374 2387 11 7
KM 25-26 2378 2380 +2 +0.2% 2372 2380 9 7
KM 26-27 2380 2401 +21 +2.1% 2380 2405 24 3
KM 27-28 2401 2412 +11 +1.1% 2400 2428 27 16
KM 28-29 2412 2405 -6 -0.6% 2403 2418 8 15
KM 29-30 2405 2393 -12 -1.2% 2391 2407 2 14
KM 30-31 2393 2428 +35 +3.5% 2394 2428 35 0
KM 31-32 2428 2456 +27 +2.7% 2429 2453 27 0
KM 32-33 2456 2448 -7 -0.7% 2441 2469 25 32
KM 33-34 2448 2463 +15 +1.5% 2449 2468 32 17
KM 34-35 2463 2443 -21 -2.1% 2439 2462 11 32
KM 35-36 2443 2439 -4 -0.4% 2437 2461 15 19
KM 36-37 2439 2494 +55 +5.5% 2439 2502 56 1
KM 37-38 2494 2502 +8 +0.8% 2479 2501 21 13
KM 38-39 2502 2494 -8 -0.8% 2494 2523 22 30
KM 39-40 2494 2458 -36 -3.6% 2441 2499 23 59
KM 40-41 2458 2402 -55 -5.5% 2387 2456 13 68
KM 41-42 2402 2297 -105 -10.5% 2298 2403 0 105
KM 42-43 2297 2287 -10 -1.0% 2268 2294 20 30
KM 43-44 2287 2240 -47 -4.7% 2229 2287 9 56
KM 44-45 2240 2283 +43 +4.3% 2240 2287 43 0
KM 45-46 2283 2245 -38 -3.8% 2237 2277 16 54
KM 46-47 2245 2263 +19 +1.9% 2246 2273 26 7
KM 47-48 2263 2262 -2 -0.2% 2261 2280 10 11
KM 48-49 2262 2264 +3 +0.3% 2235 2266 29 27
KM 49-50 2264 2280 +15 +1.5% 2268 2292 26 10
KM 50-51 2280 2293 +14 +1.4% 2278 2302 21 7
KM 51-52 2293 2305 +12 +1.2% 2293 2317 20 8
KM 52-53 2305 2299 -6 -0.6% 2299 2321 15 21
KM 53-54 2299 2386 +87 +8.7% 2295 2383 87 0
KM 54-55 2386 2382 -4 -0.4% 2356 2437 54 58
KM 55-56 2382 2473 +92 +9.2% 2385 2473 92 0
KM 56-57 2473 2414 -60 -6.0% 2414 2502 27 86
KM 57-58 2414 2368 -45 -4.5% 2353 2411 12 58
KM 58-59 2368 2425 +57 +5.7% 2369 2429 61 4
KM 59-60 2425 2486 +61 +6.1% 2421 2486 61 0
KM 60-61 2486 2556 +70 +7.0% 2486 2558 71 1
KM 61-62 2556 2608 +52 +5.2% 2556 2613 63 11
KM 62-63 2608 2583 -24 -2.4% 2585 2628 23 48
KM 63-64 2583 2560 -23 -2.3% 2560 2631 40 63
KM 64-65 2560 2443 -117 -11.7% 2443 2560 0 117
KM 65-66 2443 2389 -53 -5.3% 2391 2444 0 53
KM 66-67 2389 2480 +90 +9.0% 2382 2479 96 5
KM 67-68 2480 2620 +140 +14.0% 2481 2616 140 0
KM 68-69 2620 2598 -22 -2.2% 2591 2677 61 83
KM 69-70 2598 2672 +74 +7.4% 2587 2672 84 10
KM 70-71 2672 2625 -48 -4.8% 2625 2675 7 55
KM 71-72 2625 2688 +63 +6.3% 2616 2687 70 7
KM 72-73 2688 2746 +58 +5.8% 2689 2772 80 22
KM 73-74 2746 2762 +16 +1.6% 2745 2772 27 11
KM 74-75 2762 2810 +48 +4.8% 2760 2811 48 0
KM 75-76 2810 2785 -25 -2.5% 2784 2811 1 26
KM 76-77 2785 2749 -36 -3.6% 2739 2785 8 44
KM 77-78 2749 2765 +16 +1.6% 2741 2765 25 9
KM 78-79 2765 2788 +23 +2.3% 2766 2791 30 7
KM 79-80 2788 2725 -64 -6.4% 2730 2788 0 64
KM 80-81 2725 2734 +9 +0.9% 2676 2730 58 49
KM 81-82 2734 2796 +62 +6.2% 2734 2793 65 3
KM 82-83 2796 2754 -42 -4.2% 2744 2796 3 45
KM 83-84 2754 2737 -17 -1.7% 2737 2760 9 26
KM 84-85 2737 2726 -12 -1.2% 2713 2740 17 28
KM 85-86 2726 2757 +31 +3.1% 2726 2758 44 13
KM 86-87 2757 2756 -1 -0.1% 2728 2757 38 39
KM 87-88 2756 2713 -43 -4.3% 2714 2759 3 46
KM 88-89 2713 2659 -54 -5.4% 2662 2710 0 54
KM 89-90 2659 2617 -42 -4.2% 2617 2659 0 42
KM 90-91 2617 2596 -21 -2.1% 2597 2626 1 22
KM 91-92 2596 2569 -28 -2.8% 2568 2596 0 28
KM 92-93 2569 2547 -22 -2.2% 2548 2570 0 22
KM 93-94 2547 2556 +9 +0.9% 2537 2556 15 6
KM 94-95 2556 2579 +23 +2.3% 2555 2584 24 1
KM 95-96 2579 2606 +26 +2.6% 2579 2610 29 2
KM 96-97 2606 2634 +28 +2.8% 2597 2629 34 6
KM 97-98 2634 2694 +61 +6.1% 2635 2692 61 0
KM 98-99 2694 2769 +75 +7.5% 2700 2773 75 0
KM 99-100 2769 2799 +30 +3.0% 2765 2799 32 2
KM 100-101 2799 2862 +63 +6.3% 2798 2863 65 2
KM 101-102 2862 2792 -69 -6.9% 2795 2857 0 69
KM 102-103 2792 2772 -20 -2.0% 2761 2792 9 29
KM 103-104 2772 2698 -74 -7.4% 2701 2772 0 74
KM 104-105 2698 2619 -80 -8.0% 2617 2698 2 82
KM 105-106 2619 2588 -30 -3.0% 2591 2619 8 38
KM 106-107 2588 2587 -1 -0.1% 2583 2610 24 25
KM 107-108 2587 2597 +10 +1.0% 2555 2602 33 23
KM 108-109 2597 2595 -2 -0.2% 2586 2607 17 19
KM 109-110 2595 2584 -11 -1.1% 2584 2607 12 23
KM 110-111 2584 2599 +15 +1.5% 2555 2610 31 16
KM 111-112 2599 2598 -1 -0.1% 2583 2609 21 22
KM 112-113 2598 2636 +38 +3.8% 2599 2635 38 0
KM 113-114 2636 2726 +90 +9.0% 2643 2726 90 0
KM 114-115 2726 2767 +41 +4.1% 2726 2772 45 4
KM 115-116 2767 2815 +48 +4.8% 2761 2814 53 5
KM 116-117 2815 2859 +44 +4.4% 2816 2863 46 2
KM 117-118 2859 2795 -64 -6.4% 2795 2863 0 64
KM 118-119 2795 2761 -34 -3.4% 2762 2795 2 36
KM 119-120 2761 2674 -87 -8.7% 2677 2759 0 87
KM 120-121 2674 2618 -56 -5.6% 2619 2674 0 56
KM 121-122 2618 2609 -9 -0.9% 2597 2616 12 21
KM 122-123 2609 2580 -29 -2.9% 2575 2609 3 32
KM 123-124 2580 2538 -42 -4.2% 2539 2584 0 42
KM 124-125 2538 2556 +18 +1.8% 2537 2556 18 0
KM 125-126 2556 2569 +13 +1.3% 2556 2570 14 1
KM 126-127 2569 2599 +30 +3.0% 2569 2602 31 1
KM 127-128 2599 2630 +31 +3.1% 2598 2630 31 0
KM 128-129 2630 2670 +40 +4.0% 2630 2670 40 0
KM 129-130 2670 2740 +70 +7.0% 2671 2736 70 0
KM 130-131 2740 2747 +7 +0.7% 2743 2759 19 12
KM 131-132 2747 2740 -7 -0.7% 2728 2758 27 34
KM 132-133 2740 2732 -8 -0.8% 2720 2749 19 27
KM 133-134 2732 2754 +22 +2.2% 2713 2754 44 22
KM 134-135 2754 2755 +1 +0.1% 2744 2760 15 14
KM 135-136 2755 2776 +21 +2.1% 2757 2796 42 21
KM 136-137 2776 2708 -68 -6.8% 2709 2773 0 68
KM 137-138 2708 2746 +38 +3.8% 2676 2746 70 32
KM 138-139 2746 2781 +35 +3.5% 2746 2791 44 9
KM 139-140 2781 2757 -25 -2.5% 2758 2778 8 33
KM 140-141 2757 2745 -11 -1.1% 2739 2757 3 15
KM 141-142 2745 2784 +39 +3.9% 2747 2785 40 1
KM 142-143 2784 2794 +9 +0.9% 2784 2811 25 15
KM 143-144 2794 2761 -32 -3.2% 2758 2799 4 36
KM 144-145 2761 2767 +6 +0.6% 2745 2772 30 24
KM 145-146 2767 2653 -115 -11.5% 2654 2772 1 115
KM 146-147 2653 2644 -9 -0.9% 2616 2652 26 35
KM 147-148 2644 2653 +9 +0.9% 2647 2675 36 27
KM 148-149 2653 2626 -27 -2.7% 2587 2651 35 62
KM 149-150 2626 2590 -36 -3.6% 2593 2677 49 85
KM 150-151 2590 2445 -145 -14.5% 2446 2590 0 145
KM 151-152 2445 2402 -43 -4.3% 2382 2443 18 61
KM 152-153 2402 2464 +61 +6.1% 2414 2449 61 0
KM 153-154 2464 2587 +123 +12.3% 2481 2585 123 0
KM 154-155 2587 2620 +33 +3.3% 2577 2631 81 48
KM 155-156 2620 2607 -13 -1.3% 2597 2628 18 31
KM 156-157 2607 2545 -62 -6.2% 2546 2613 6 68
KM 157-158 2545 2469 -76 -7.6% 2469 2546 0 76
KM 158-159 2469 2421 -48 -4.8% 2421 2470 4 52
KM 159-160 2421 2356 -65 -6.5% 2353 2421 0 65
KM 160-161 2356 2322 -34 -3.4% 2322 2359 0 34
KM 161-162 2322 2270 -53 -5.3% 2269 2321 1 53
KM 162-163 2270 2234 -35 -3.5% 2237 2270 4 39
KM 163-164 2234 2197 -37 -3.7% 2200 2232 0 37
KM 164-164.27 2197 2190 -7 -0.7% 2190 2196 0 27