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10° StrafeXpedition, 2024. Info and routes.

10° StrafeXpedition - Asiago, Vicenza, Italy. 2024 edition.

Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 08:00

Disclaimer - "10° StrafeXpedition" is NOT organized by goandrace.com.
The event information on this website is collected from public sources and believed to be reliable at the time of publication. However, we are not the organizers of these events and cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the information provided. Learn more here.

10° StrafeXpedition, map centered on Asiago

10° StrafeXpedition

Information about 10° StrafeXpedition, 2024 ed.

Running event name: 10° StrafeXpedition

Date and Time: Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 08:00

City: Asiago



Region: Veneto - Province: Vicenza - County: Asiago

Country: Italy

Latitude and longitude: 45.875885 11.50962

About the event:
Benvenuti amici trailer!!
L'associazione "Sportiva7Comuni" è lieta di accogliervi nell'Altopiano di Asiago e dei 7 Comuni, attraverso l’amore per la corsa e per la montagna.
Un territorio unico e ideale per il trail running, ricchissimo di sentieristica e di incantevoli mulattiere in quota.
La StrafeXpedition vi darà a possibilità di raggiungere passaggi mozzafiato, da lassù potrete ammirare le vette Dolomitiche a nord, la laguna di Venezia a est.
Qui la storia ha lasciato incredibili e tristi testimonianze della Prima Guerra Mondiale, poco più di un secolo fa queste montagne divennero campi di battaglie e teatri di stragi orrende, attraverserete sentieri fortificati, linee trincerate, appostamenti, baraccamenti e svariate strutture difensive, qui si svolse l'offensiva più grande mai organizzata dagli asburgici, la "STRAFEXPEDITION" la più grande battaglia di montagna mai combattuta dall'uomo.

Other notes:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? Yes

Cross country event? No

Multi-stage event? No

Initiatives for children and families: No information

How to apply and entry fee:

Award Description:

Dressing rooms:

Aid stations:

Website: www.strafexpedition.it

E-mail: sportiva7comuni@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/strafexpedition




Flier: Not available

Final ranking: Not available

10° StrafeXpedition route, 2024 ed.

# Length Race type Route and gpx file Terrain type
Race 1 43 km
(26.7 mi)
Ultramarathon 43 km course map

3D video animation of the 43 km path
Not available
Discover the race route of the 10° StrafeXpedition, 43 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
10° StrafeXpedition, 43 km race course map
3D video animation of the 43 km path
Race 2 25 km
(15.5 mi)
Competitive race 25 km course map

3D video animation of the 25 km path
Not available
Discover the race route of the 10° StrafeXpedition, 25 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
10° StrafeXpedition, 25 km race course map
Race 3 12 km
(7.5 mi)
Competitive race 12 km course map

3D video animation of the 12 km path
Not available
Discover the race route of the 10° StrafeXpedition, 12 km, by clicking on the link or on the map below. Altimetry information. Download gpx file.
10° StrafeXpedition, 12 km race course map

Asiago weather forecast

To see the weather forecast of the Veneto region by firenzemeteo.it click on the link or on any of the following maps.

For Asiago weather forecast click on the link.

Other nearby races

Events on the same day at a distance of less than 50 km (31 from Asiago as the crow flies are reported here.

No running race found within 50 km.

Message for running race organizers

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