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Cottanelliadi 2024. Info and routes.

Cottanelliadi 2024 - Rieti, Italy

Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 09:30

Note: "Cottanelliadi 2024" is NOT organized by goandrace.com

Cottanelliadi 2024, map centered on Rieti

Cottanelliadi 2024

Information about Cottanelliadi 2024

Running event name: Cottanelliadi 2024

Date and Time: Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 09:30

City: Rieti

Address: prati di cottanello

c/o: Ristorante Il castagneto,via Castagneto 10 (Cottanello)

Region: Lazio - Province: Rieti - County: Cottanello

Country: Italy

Latitude and longitude: 42.436182 12.703982

About the event:
Oltre alla maratonina, ci sono altre attività. Carte, Laboratori per bambini, musica...E' una festa alla quale siete tutti invitati, nella bellissima cornice dei Prati di Cottanello. E' una giornata "bella", per persone" belle"...DA E PER RICORDARE!

Other notes:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? Yes

Cross country event? No

Multi-stage event? No

Initiatives for children and families: Maratonina non competitiva.
Asfalto+ sterrato.
Dal Ristorante "il Castagneto" si sale in montagna attraversando il bellissimo centro del paese di Cottanello. Dopo 8,5 km (dislivello circa 400 mt), si arriva ai Prati dove, chi vuole può continuare a godersi le meraviglie della montagna (15km), chi preferisce fermarsi al primo step invece può unirsi subito alla festa! Ore 12 premiazioni per tutti e pranzo a seguire. Per i più temerari, staffetta pomeridiana! Musica, natura, e beneficienza. Quota iscrizione 15 euro (PACCO GARA E PRANZO INCLUSI!), tutto l'incasso sarà devoluto a favore del Centro Alzheimer di Rieti.

How to apply and entry fee:

Award Description:
Premi per tutti i partecipanti

Dressing rooms:

Aid stations:
SI 1 ristoro dopo 4 km ed un ristoro finale

Website: cottanelliadi.wordpress.com

E-mail: cottanelliadi@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/cottanelliadi

Instagram: www.instagram.com/cottanelliadi/?hl=it

X/Twitter: twitter.com/Rieti

YouTube: www.youtube.com/Rieti

Contact 1 (name, email, phone): Associazione Culturale Gilberto Volpi    cottanelliadi@gmail.com    3335672035

Flier: Not available

Final ranking: Not available

Cottanelliadi 2024 route

# Length Race type Route and gpx file Terrain type
Race 1 15 km
(9.3 mi)
Non-competitive race Not available About 50% asphalt, 50% dirt
Race 2 8.5 km
(5.3 mi)
Non-competitive race Not available About 50% asphalt, 50% dirt

Rieti weather forecast

To see the weather forecast of the Lazio region by firenzemeteo.it click on the link or on any of the following maps.

For Rieti weather forecast click on the link.

Other nearby races

Events on the same day at a distance of less than 50 km (31 from Rieti as the crow flies are reported here.

No running race found within 50 km.

Message for running race organizers

Are you part of the organizing committee of the running event named Cottanelliadi 2024 and would you like to be the one to manage the information, adding more details?
Register (if you have not already done) and log-in to see here the link to forward the request to Go&Race administrators.
Registration on Go&Race and event management are completely free. There are no paid services on Go&Race.