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BCS Marathon and Half Marathon 2023

BCS Marathon and Half Marathon 2023 - College Station, Texas, Stati Uniti

Domenica 10 dicembre 2023 - 07:00

N.B.: l'evento "BCS Marathon and Half Marathon 2023" NON è organizzato da goandrace.com

BCS Marathon and Half Marathon 2023, mappa centrata su College Station

BCS Marathon and Half Marathon 2023
Image from wikipedia.org by Yassie

Informazioni BCS Marathon and Half Marathon 2023

Nome evento: BCS Marathon and Half Marathon 2023

Data e ora gara: Domenica 10 dicembre 2023 - 07:00

Città: College Station

Indirizzo: Wolf Pen Creek Park – 1015 Colgate Dr


Stato: Texas

Nazione: Stati Uniti

Latitudine e longitudine: 30.618007 -96.304247

Descrizione evento:
Join us at 7am on December 10, 2023 for what is currently the highest rated marathon in the state of Texas (marathonguide.com). You’ll have the opportunity to explore the Bryan/College Station community as well as experience the Aggie spirit while you run throughout the Texas A&M campus.

The race courses are primarily flat and fast, and the route includes plenty of shady neighborhoods, several golf courses, and enough crowd support to help you get to the finish for your first time or your fastest time. The marathon course has a few rolling hills miles 11 – 13, but is otherwise flat. The marathon course is USAT&F certified and a Boston Marathon qualifying race.

Altre note:

Virtual Race? No

Trail? No

Gara di cross? No

Corsa a tappe? No

Iniziative per bambini e/o famiglie: Nessuna informazione

Modalità e costi di iscrizione:
May 10 – July 31: $110
Aug 1 – Oct 14: $125
Oct 15 – Close: $135

Half Marathon
May 10 – July 31: $100
Aug 1 – Oct 14: $115
Oct 15 – Close: $125

Descrizione premi:


Punti di ristoro:
Aid stations will be every 1.5 miles and include CForce water and lemon lime Gatorade. We will have vanilla GU, oranges, bananas, skittles, and gummy bears available at the following aid stations:

6.0 Half

6.0 Full, 12 Full, 18 Full, 22.5 Full

Port-a-potties will be approximately every 3 miles starting at mile 3.

Website: bcsmarathon.com

E-mail: info@bcsmarathon.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/bcsmarathon


X/Twitter: twitter.com/bcsmarathon


Volantino gara: N.D.

Classifica finale: N.D.

Mappe percorsi BCS Marathon and Half Marathon 2023

# Lunghezza Tipo di gara Mappa percorso e file gpx Tipo di terreno
Gara 1 42.2 km
(26.2 mi)
Maratona Percorso gara 42.2 km

Video 3D sul percorso di 42.2 km
Scopri il percorso di gara dell'evento BCS Marathon and Half Marathon 2023 di 42.2 km cliccando sul link o sulla mappa qui sotto. Informazioni sull'altimetria. Scarica il file gpx.
BCS Marathon and Half Marathon 2023, mappa percorso gara 42.195 km
Video 3D sul percorso di 42.2 km
Gara 2 21.1 km
(13.1 mi)
Mezza maratona N.D. Asfalto

Previsioni meteo College Station

Altre gare podistiche vicine

Sono qui riportati eventi dello stesso giorno ad una distanza da College Station in linea d'aria inferiore a 50 km.

Nessuna gara podistica vicina trovata.

Messaggio per gli organizzatori di gare podistiche

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