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Leadville Trail 100 Run, 2024. Info e percorsi.

Leadville Trail 100 Run - Leadville, Stati Uniti

Sabato 17 agosto 2024 - 04:00

Disclaimer - L'evento "Leadville Trail 100 Run" NON è organizzato da goandrace.com. Ulteriori informazioni qui.

Leadville Trail 100 Run, mappa centrata su Leadville

Leadville Trail 100 Run

Informazioni Leadville Trail 100 Run, ed. 2024

Nome evento: Leadville Trail 100 Run

Data e ora gara: Sabato 17 agosto 2024 - 04:00

Città: Leadville



Stato: Colorado

Nazione: Stati Uniti

Latitudine e longitudine: 39.250823 -106.292524

Descrizione evento:
The LT100 Run course is a brutal out-and-back ultramarathon that will push even the toughest runners to their limits.The course starts and finishes in Leadville, but the true challenge is the rugged and unrelenting terrain along the way. The course includes steep climbs of Powerline, high-altitude passes like Sugarloaf, and technical terrain on the Colorado Trail, all amounting to over 18,000 feet of elevation gain. The course reaches a peak elevation of 12,600 feet above sea level on the crux of the course, Hope Pass, where runners will gasp for breath and question their sanity. The LT100 Run race course is not for the faint of heart, but for those who are up to the challenge, it is an unforgettable experience.

Altre note:

Virtual Race? No


Gara di cross? No

Corsa a tappe? No

Iniziative per bambini e/o famiglie: Nessuna informazione

Modalità e costi di iscrizione:

Descrizione premi:


Punti di ristoro:
There are 10 aid stations along the course.

Aid stations will offer: Water, Skratch Labs hydration, bars and chews, Precision Fuel & Hydration Gels, Assorted foods including bananas, figs, pretzels, chips, etc.
Aid Station 1: Mayqueen (Outbound)

Outbound cutoff time: 7:45 AM
GPS link
Outbound Mileage: 12.6
**New for 2023 and beyond** No crew & spectator parking will be allowed at Mayqueen.
Aid Station 2: Outward Bound (Outbound)

Outbound cutoff time: 10:00 AM
GPS link
Outbound Mileage: 23.5
Inbound Cutoff: 3:00 AM
Inbound Mileage: 76.9
Access: via HWY 300, look for parking crews
Aid Station 3: Half Pipe (Outbound) NO CREW ACCESS

Outbound cutoff time: 11:30 AM
Outbound Mileage: 29.3
Aid Station 4: Twin Lakes Village (Outbound)

Outbound cutoff time: 1:30 PM
GPS link
Outbound Mileage: 37.9
Aid Station 5: Hope Pass (Outbound) NO CREW ACCESS

Outbound cutoff time: 4:00 PM
Outbound Mileage: 43.5
Inbound Mileage: 56.7
Aid Station 6: Winfield (turnaround) (NO CREW ACCESS)

Outbound cutoff time: 6:00 PM
Aid Station 7: Twin Lakes Village (Inbound)

Inbound Cutoff: 10:00 PM
Inbound Mileage: 62
Aid Station 8: Half Pipe (Inbound) NO CREW ACCESS

Inbound Cutoff: 1:15 AM
Inbound Mileage: 70.3
Aid Station 9: Outward Bound (Inbound)

Inbound Cutoff: 3:00 AM
Inbound Mileage: 76.2
Access: via HWY 300, look for parking crews
Aid Station 10: Mayqueen (Inbound)

Inbound Cutoff: 6:30 AM
**New for 2023 and beyond** No crew & spectator parking will be allowed at Mayqueen.
Finish Cutoff: 10:00 AM

All or part of this operation is conducted on Public Lands under special permit from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

This event is held on the San Isabel National Forest under a special use permit.

Course history

In 2021 the decision was made to remove pacer and crew access from Winfield. This was due to overall impact in Winfield and congestion on Hope Pass. This will remain unchanged in 2023 and no pacers OR crew will be allowed access to Winfield

Website: clicca qui


: www.facebook.com/leadvilleraceseries

: www.instagram.com/ltraceseries

: x.com/LTRaceSeries

: www.youtube.com/@LifeTimeEvent

Volantino gara: N.D.

Classifica finale: N.D.

Mappe percorsi Leadville Trail 100 Run, ed. 2024

# Lunghezza Tipo di gara Mappa percorso e file gpx Tipo di terreno
Gara 1 160.9 km
(100 mi)
Ultramaratona Percorso gara 160.9 km

Video 3D sul percorso di 160.9 km
Scopri il percorso di gara dell'evento Leadville Trail 100 Run di 160.9 km cliccando sul link o sulla mappa qui sotto. Informazioni sull'altimetria. Scarica il file gpx.
Leadville Trail 100 Run, mappa percorso gara 160.9 km
Video 3D sul percorso di 160.9 km

Previsioni meteo Leadville

Altre gare podistiche vicine

Sono qui riportati eventi dello stesso giorno ad una distanza da Leadville in linea d'aria inferiore a 50 km.

Nessuna gara podistica vicina trovata.

Disclaimer - L'evento "Leadville Trail 100 Run" NON è organizzato da goandrace.com.
Le informazioni sugli eventi podistici presenti su questo sito web sono raccolte da fonti pubbliche e ritenute affidabili al momento della pubblicazione. Tuttavia, non siamo gli organizzatori di questi eventi e non possiamo garantire l'accuratezza, la completezza o l'aggiornamento delle informazioni fornite. Le immagini presenti su goandrace.com sono a licenza free se prese su pexels.com o su unsplash.com o con licenza Creative Commons BY o BY-SA se prese su wikipedia.org. Ulteriori informazioni qui.

Messaggio per gli organizzatori di gare podistiche

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